The Theunissen Lab is committed to open-source science. Many of our recently developed tools are available on Github.
Sound Analysis
Biosound is a Python-based set of tools to extract sound features from natural sounds: animal and human vocalizations, music or environmental sounds. A tutorial is available at The BioSound object is at You can also pip install soundsig.
Neural Signal Analysis
STRFpak is a stand-alone software package to estimate the spatio-temporal receptive fields. The algorithm uses a variant of ridge regression to normalize and regularize the solution. Goodness of fit is assessed by cross-validation. The program includes a full GUI.
Zhang J, Gill, P. Gallant J and Theunissen FE. STRFPAK (Version 5.3). University of California, Berkeley. Copyright 2003-12. Available at |
Strflab is a comprehensive set of matlab routines to estimate receptive fields using both ridge regression and gradient descent approaches. Strflab can be used to fit generalized linear models. Strflab does not have a GUI but includes a set of tutorials. Strflab is available at